Start building your vulnerable machine
A while ago I started building vulnerable machines. First for colleagues of mine so that they became familiar with certain vulnerabilities and techniques. Last year I started sharing machines on Ha...
A while ago I started building vulnerable machines. First for colleagues of mine so that they became familiar with certain vulnerabilities and techniques. Last year I started sharing machines on Ha...
A few days a go I did read a blog about OSWA and in this blog the machine Soccer from Hack The Box (HTB) was recommended. When Ichecked the machine on HTB I did find out that I did not hack this ma...
During some days off between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, a new idea for a vulnerable machine arose. The title of the machine ‘Save Santa’ was quickly invented. The machine is designed for beginne...
Vulnerable machines are a valuable tool for ethical hackers and security professionals. They provide a safe environment to practice and learn about various security threats and vulnerabilities. In ...
Recently I created a number of vulnerable machines for HackMyVM. If you download and install these machines on your own network, you may not be able to determine the IP address assigned to them. It...
A while back I was building a vulnerable web application in PHP. Initially I planned to create another vulnerability. But I changed my mind and started building the Quick Automative website. After ...
Friendly 2 the sequel to Friendly. Although it is a series for beginners, after hacking the first machine in this serie, I decided to hack the next machine. Who knows if there is any neath surprise...
A while back I hacked “Friendly”. An easy machine that is available on HackMyVM. This machine is good for beginners and clearly shows which possible vulnerabilities can be combined to gain access t...
Tonight it’s time to do another box from HackMyVM. By filtering with tags I came across an interesting name: Blackhat. This machine is classified as easy and is made by cromiphi. He has already mad...
VivifyTech an easy machine from Sancelisso was released today on HackMyVM. This machine is an awesome machine for beginners to learn the basics of enumerating. Most often enumerating is key in hack...